Brad and Cyndi in Roman Cafe

Bradley Allen Lawrence

Brad Lawrence is a performer, comedian, and storyteller who makes his living traveling the world talking on stage, doing silly characters in burlesque shows, and teaching others how to do the same. He is a story producer and a coach for the RISK! podcast, a teacher for The Story Studio and The Irish Arts Center, and a co-writer and co-host of Hotsy Totsy Burlesque at the famed Slipper Room in New York City. For more on Brad’s work as a storyteller, performer, coach, and corporate consultant, visit

But, it was visual art that was Brad’s first love and it was drawing and painting that got him through the loneliest bits of being a shy and awkward fat kid. It has always been there when words failed him. This website is a chance for him to get the other side of his creative endeavors out into the world. The subjects of the work are either professional figure models, cities Brad has traveled to, Pop Culture or people from his life. He hopes you like what you see.

You will also find here, Brad’s Sci-fi audiobook in podcast form, Maxine and the Planets Unknown. It’s a fun adventure.